Revival Prayer Gathering

As we continue to seek the Lord for the revival for which we are all growing desperate, Spokane Prays wanted to let you know that we will be offering a monthly 12-hour Revival Prayer Gathering. (We’ll let God grow it into something bigger when He chooses!) Come when you can…Leave when you need.

These monthly Gatherings of Worship and Prayer are a response to the recent Discovery Weekend experience.  We are attempting to take a first step in faith of calling Prayer Persons together, who are desperate for God to do a new work of reviving His church in Spokane and our surrounding areas.  We will gather the 3rd Friday of every month from 9am to 9pm for this time of gathering, worshipping together and prayer as we seek the Presence of God

Why we pray?

“To develop a desperate hunger to see God bring transforming revival to Spokane”

3rd Friday of the Month

9:00am to 9:00pm
(upcoming locations)

January 17th – Union Gospel Mission – Chaplin Joe
1224 E Trent Ave, Spokane, WA 99202